Dancing Under Love

This past weekend, I went with some friends in a prayer group on a wonderful camping trip to Petit Jean State Park. With this group of friends, something fun and crazy always happens, and I never expect anything less! On this trip in particular, we went on a day hike to Cedar Falls.

But this water fall wasn't something just to hike to, just to see, just to observe, or just to explore. It was something to which to play, in which to dance.

We played, we splahed, we danced, and we worshipped under the beautfiul waterfall of God's creation until the water soaked into every layer of clothing and little droplets dripped off the ends of our noses. But later that night, when we were warm and dry, we sat around the campfire and reflected on the day. As we felt the warmth of the fire and heard it crackle, we gazed at the stars and at the faces of the friends around us that were radiant with the reflection of the campfire in their eyes. We sang praises to the God of the universe, and we thanked Him in prayer for the ways that He works in our lives.

God's love is like a waterfall, spilling over into our lives and washing over our broken hearts. It splahes us, soaks us, and if we let it, it will drench us. Because of the gracious and loving sacrifice of Christ, we who are undeserving have the freedom to dance under the waterfall of God's love, letting it seep into our deepest being, allowing it to drip off our noses into the world around us. The weight of any burden is washed away as we dance under the waterfall of God's marvelous, underserved grace and unconditional love.

Oh, precious is the flow,
that makes us white as snow.
No other fount I know,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
