How Have You Seen God At Work?

started the team meeting with my very favorite question: "How have you seen God at work in your life recently?" 

I'm not sure if they've ever been asked that question before, but after a moment of reflection, they got it, and they started throwing out answers through stories one after the other. 

One team member saw through the leadership training seminar last week that God is in deed at work in strengthening the local village leaders and evangelists.

Another recounted a story of a specific problem she had in her work. She manages the young scholars program and needed to enroll a student in school, but the director refused and said their were no places left. No questions. Without any other options for this orphan student, she prayed and believed that God had the final word and not the director of the school. Against his counsel, she persisted with her request, and the director miraculously gave the student a spot. 

Another woman testified that she was in a difficult situation where she couldn't see the way out, but God had faithfully provided a way out. 

One man had lost his older brother just a few days before. This team meeting was his first time to be with us again after the three day funeral ceremony. He proclaimed the sovereignty of God even in the death of his brother, and that he believes nothing happens outside of God's will. The same day that his older brother died, another one of his brothers fell deathly ill, but then quickly recovered. "I lost one brother, but God saved another," he said. "God gives and he takes away." And he blessed the name of the Lord. 

Another team member said that his large field of crops was ready for the harvest and God had provided two teams of willing workers who wanted to help him do this job that he could never do alone. 

Everyone left feeling encouraged and strengthened in seeing visible and personal evidence of God working in their lives. God is always, always at work. 

Give it a try today. Ask yourself the question, "How have I seen God working in my life recently?" Then ask someone you know the same. Together, you will be mutually encouraged as you help each other open your eyes to see God's ever-present activity and kindness on our behalf.
