Visible God

"How have you seen God today?"

This question has come to be very significant in my life. I first learned to answer it when I was a high schooler and attended a weekly prayer group where that was the first question discussed every week. Knowing that this specific question would be asked each week without fail helped me learn to look for God working in my life week after week. 

When I was an intern in Nicaragua for a couple of summers, I was again challenged by a similar question. "How did you see Jesus today?" The missionary would ask us at our devotionals each evening, and we would go around the circle and share how we had experienced Christ in our days. This again trained me to look for Jesus as I go about each day. 

My mom even has an index card that rests on our kitchen table and serves as a discussion starter for our family dinners. On it is written the question, how have you seen Jesus today? 

Then this past Saturday night, as a group of believers gathered for a time of worship and fellowship, everyone was asked to share a story from their week of how they had seen God at work. As we heard story after story, the joy and exaltation of Christ could be felt in the room. Praises were lifted and God was magnified in the joy of his people as we encouraged each other with our "God stories." 

And really, that's the question behind this blog. That's what I mean when I write about seeing something more. It is about seeing God's presence in the ordinary, unexpected places. It's about seeing something more than the typical and searching deeper for the spiritual. 

"God is always working around us," my dad said, "but we don't always have the eyes to see it." That's why this question - how has God been at work in your life today? - is one of the most important questions you can ask at the end of the day. It opens our eyes to see something more, it trains our hearts to search for the holy in the common place, and it stirs our affections for Christ as we begin to see how actively involved in our lives he really is. 

So how have you seen Jesus today? How has God been at work in your life? And with will you share your story? God is glorified through our open eyes to see him and our open mouths to tell others about it. Plus, you never know just how many will be blessed by hearing it.
