Daily Bread

On the way home from work, I couldn't stop thinking about the events of that day. I kept running through the day in head, analyzing everything that I observed and thinking about what I would have done if I had been in the nurse in that situation. It was an emergency situation that ended up just fine - the mother and baby would both be okay. Still, I couldn't seem to stop thinking about it.

It's okay, just let it go. I told myself as I drove home. Keep work at work, and now let your mind relax.

But I found myself running through the events in my head again as I was cooking dinner. Stop it! You have thought about this enough. Everything is okay now, so think about something else!

When my roommate asked about my day, I told her about the emergency event and how I still couldn't get it off my mind. Why is this bothering me so much? I finally asked myself.

Then I realized that this was my last week of orientation on day shift before I move to working nights. After two weeks of orientation on nights, I will be on my own. I will have to be the nurse making decisions if an emergency happens. I will have to know what to do. I will have to think quickly and intervene in life or death situations. And the thought quite honestly terrified me.

My heart started pounding faster and faster as this realization hit me. "That's it," I confessed to my roommate, who was still patiently listening to me ramble about my day. "I am afraid to have this much responsibility in a few short weeks."

"You are so prepared for this," she gently reminded me. "Plus, God wouldn't have brought you this far only to drop you off right here."

I let out a sigh of relief at those last words. I can try all day to convince myself that I am prepared enough, smart enough, capable enough...but I will always doubt my own ability because I know how I can fail. But when the focus is on God, I am reminded that His faithfulness is faultless, and it is impossible for Him to fail. The truth is that we have Him on our side, fighting for us on our behalf, and He has not brought us this far to forget about us right here.

In the sermon on the mount, Jesus gave His disciples an example of how to pray. He encouraged them to ask God to "give us this day our daily bread." I love that. God, give us just what we need just for today. We don't need to worry about yesterday or fret about tomorrow when we just ask God for what we need today...nothing more and nothing less.

Maybe you can relate to all this in some way. Maybe you can't get something off your mind. Know that God gives you exactly what you need just for today. Maybe you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders, or maybe your responsibilities seem too much for you to bear on your own. Rememner that you aren't expected to do it on your own. God is with you and gives you exactly what you need just for today. Maybe you feel like you can't face the task ahead of you. Trust that God's faithfulness will sustain you even when your own abilities seem to fall short. He hasn't brought you this far only to leave you on your own from here.

We have everything we need to face each and every day - simply Jesus. His presence by our side every moment of everyday is our daily bread. He is exactly what we need - nothing more and nothing less.
