Let Down Your Nets

It is like coming to a fork in the road. It is like navigating uncharted waters or starting a brand new adventure with only a compass. It is like finding your way in the dark with a small flashlight to guide one foot in front of the other. It is like putting together a one-thousand piece puzzle. It is like the first step off the diving board into the deep end for the very first time.

It is like letting down nets.

We get to these places of decision-making that require important life-choices, and we realize our great need for guidance. We may search deep within ourselves for the answers, weighing our options and rationalizing our way through the process. We may seek guidance through others by asking questions and seeking opinions. But it still leaves us wondering, am I making the right choice? How will I know?

Jesus' disciples had been fishing all night long...with nothing to show for it. They let down their nets all over that lake, only to come up empty time after time.

And so we also search, asking as we come to life's critical moments, "Where do I need to go?" "What do I need to do?"  "How am I to respond?" "To which should I commit?"

"Where should I let down my nets?"

"Let down your nets here," Jesus said. And it was only when the disciples listened to Jesus and put down their nets where He led them that they found what they were looking for. They came up with a net-breaking, abundant supply, filled to the brim and overflowing.

Maybe you, like me, are at a pivotal place in life where you need to make decisions, knowing that these choices are huge and may impact the rest of your life. We need guidance, and there is really only one place to go. We can "test the waters" and try to put down our nets in many places, but we will only come up empty unless we let down our nets at the command of Christ.

Maybe you, like me, are asking the Lord, "Where do you want me to let down my nets?" And maybe you, like me, will take comfort in the story of Jesus calling His disciples in Luke 5. "Cast your nets on the other side," He said, and the disciples came up with more than enough. He will come to us and instruct us where to let down our nets - where to plant our feet, where to go to school, where to start a family, what career path to follow. It is only when we let down our nets with Jesus in command of each cast that we will find what we are looking for, that we will come up with overflowing, net-breaking abundance.


  1. Hey Ashli. . . . missing you. . . . love hearing your heart!


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