Secret Church

Behind closed doors and in dark spaces, they gather in quietness and secrecy. They worship in hiding because they know that if they are discovered, they will die. They risk prison, torture, and even death for the sake of gaining that which can never be taken away - that which means everything to them - their undying faith in God and their devoted love for His Word.

In honors of the millions of Christ-followers around the world who are meeting in secret churches, a group of students met this past weekend for our own secret church. Unlike our brothers and sisters in persecuted countries, we sat in padded chairs and sang at the top of our lungs. But one thing we did have in common: a hunger for God's Word.

The persecuted churches, the secret churches, often meet for hours upon hours to study the Bible. Because the Bible is not conveniently located on bookstore shelves, in waiting room lobbies, or upon coffee tables everywhere around them, they can't get enough of the words of God. And so they stay longer and longer to hear more.

So this Friday night, I joined other hungry college students for six and a half hours of digging into God's Word. In honor of the secret church and in honor of the Word of God, we studied the entire book of James from start to finish. We listened to five speakers teach on the five chapters, and we also spent some time praying and singing together. It was a Bible study in every sense of the word.

We throw around the term "Bible study" quite often, but I am afraid we have lost its true meaning. I have been to Wednesday night "Bible studies" where we eat dinner, drink coffee, have dessert, and take some prayer requests at the end. I have taken Bible classes in which I am tempted to quit bringing my Bible to class because we never open it up. I have signed up for women's Bible studies that are really studying a Christian book, not the Bible.

Don't get me wrong. I love book studies, prayer nights, topical studies, and Bible classes. I really do. But I also love the Word of God. And I am afraid we are not getting enough of it.

Why else do we attend devotionals, take Bible classes, go to chapel every day, and still feel like we aren't growing? We still feel like we are in the same place in our relationship with God as we were three weeks ago, three months ago, three years ago?

Could it be that we are hungry for the Word of God?

After leaving secret church Friday night, I was in awe at the power of the words of God. For six and half solid hours, we read and studied God's words alone. In and of themselves, they have the power to penetrate soul and spirit (Hebrews 4:12). I saw and experienced God's written words drawing hearts while convicting, motivating, challenging, and encouraging all at the same time.

I could hardly go to sleep that night. I was so satisfied, yet so hungry for more.

That's the amazing thing about God's Word. I can't explain it, but it fills you up at the same time it washes you out. It rises you up at the same time it draws you to your knees. It helps you know God more while making you realize how much more you need to know Him. It is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12).

Yes, it must be that we are hungry for the Word of God.

And we must press on to know God more through this amazing, life-altering, empowering Word. Let's dig in and get fed. For it satisfies the hunger that we have been fighting for too long, yet it leaves us wanting more and more.
