
One of my new favorite songs, titled Overcome, has a powerful line in the bridge that sticks out to me. It says:
We will overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.
That line actually comes from Revelation 12:11, where it says that our triumph over the enemy is a result of Christ's blood sacrifice and the power of our testimonies.

I learn so much about God from conversations with people. Recently, I have made it a daily challenge and goal to bring Christ into my casual conversations with the people around me. I have thoroughly enjoyed having random spiritual "convos" - sometimes with dear friends, sometimes with mere acquantainces, and sometimes with complete strangers - because it is in conversation that you really hear a person's testimony. And because the Lord orchestrated each testimony (and is in fact the main character and hero of every one), hearing them teaches me more about who He is.

For example, just tonight I was talking with a friend at a casual club mixer. We were talking about our majors, busy schedules, and plans to graduate in May when she told me something that her teacher mentioned in class. "Do you feel like you are ready to graduate and perform in your career?" she asked the class. My friend confessed that she did not feel anywhere near ready because she didn't know enough yet. The professor continued, "You already know everything you need to know to go into practice. You just need to gain confidence in what you know and how to use it." I nodded in agreement as I listened to my friend say, "I think there is a spiritual application in that, too."

Together, we talked about how so many of us Christians don't feel like we know enough or are prepared enough to speak up about our faith. Some of us don't even feel good enough to be a "good" Christian. "But really, no matter how long we have been Christians or how much Sunday school Bible class knowledge we have, we all have the Holy Spirit living inside us because we gave our lives to God. The same Spirit is in me and you and her...and that same Spirit powerfully worked in Christ."

Yes, there is a spiritual application in that. We just need to gain confidence in the indwelling power of God's amazing Spirit. Let's continually press on to grow up in Christ by studying and learning all about Him, but let's also take confidence in the presence of the Counselor and Teacher within our very souls. Because of Him, we can take confidence in what we know and how to apply it.

A tesimony doesn't have to be your life story. A testimony is simply something you say or a story you share that testifies to the greatness of the character of God. So share your testimony and include Christ in your conversations, for by this we all come to know Christ more. And by this and the blood of the Lamb, we overcome.
