Under the Cross

The city of Jinotega, resting in a valley surrounded by mountains, hosts a unique treasure. Upon the top of one of those lush mountains stands a cross. Tiny from the perspective of eyes on the ground below, this symbol is visible from practically anywhere in the entire city. Though it seems like it touches the sky miles away, it is not impossible to reach. In fact, almost every group that comes to Jinotega to work with Mision Para Cristo gets the opportunity to journey to the cross.

Having completed this hike nearly twelve times, the climb to the cross was not unfamiliar to me. Yet no matter how many times I have been, the view from the top takes my breath away every time. The old metal cross is rugged, and to be quite honest, ugly, too. It is not the visual aesthetics of the cross that carry me to the top each year. Instead, it is the sight of the shadow of that cross as it stretches over the beautiful, colorful, tightly-packed city of Jinotega crawling up the walls of the valley. I stand in silent awe.

Then I turn and look at the cross, and I remember. The cross in and of itself was an ugly, blood-stained, horrific sight, but the shadow it casts on all who rest under it make it absolutely beautiful and precious. The cross is the expression of God's universal love, His love for all nations, all cultures, all peoples.

Jinotega and it's people are under the cross.

As I stood at the point of the high mountain, watching the sun cast a shadow of the cross over the city, I prayed for the people of Jinotega - that they would come to truly rest under the shadow of the cross. Tears welled up in my eyes as I heard God whisper to me...

"Look, Ashli, at this city. Do you see it? How gorgeous it is? How beautiful and precious these people are? This is my people, my city, my creation. Aren't they beautiful? I care for each and every one of them, and I know them by name!" 

I could almost hear Him laughing with delight and pride over His work in His creation, in His children. "That is why I want you to go to them, to serve them, to love them. Just remind them that they are mine and that I love them."

In that moment, I felt God's heart for the world beating within my own chest. Truly He is over all and in all. Through Him and for Him all things were made. In Him we live and move and have our very being. His cross is universal, stretching its shadow over the entire world and all its people. Let its shadow touch our hearts today, and may we climb closer and closer until we are covered completely in its restful shade.

May God give us eyes to see His people the way He sees them. May he give us His heart for the world, His desire for all nations, His vast love for all people. May we extend our hearts and reach out our hands to touch the world around us and point to the cross on the top of the hill, reminding every person the message that it proclaims: "I have called you by name; you are mine. You are precious and honored in my site...and I love you." (Isaiah 43)
