Under Our Feet

I think we've found our theme song. 

As a way to start the year off right, our team has been meeting every morning this week to worship, pray, and study together. We start off each session with singing, and there has definitely been one song that has stood out among the rest. One song that has marked the hearts of our team. One song that is especially applicable to us as we live in a land where spiritual warfare is real and we are faced with the reality of fighting against it every day. It goes like this: 

Nous allons dans le camp ennemie 
Pour arracher ce que le diable a volé 
Il est sous nos pieds, il est sous nos pieds, il est sous nos pieds 
Satan est sous nos pieds

It means this:
We're going into the enemy camp
To take back what the devil has stolen
He is under our feet, he is under our feet, he is under our feet
Satan is under our feet

Whoever the Dagara sing, they always get into it - whether that means clapping their hands or swaying to the beat. But when I was sitting in the office with the women yesterday, they started singing this song, and they got up, dancing in circles around the table, singing at the top of their lungs, and stomping their feet each time they sang, "he's under our feet." 

It was incredible. They sang it like they believed it. Like they knew what is was like to have the devil steal from them, and like they knew with confidence that he is defeated.

That's why this song has become our theme song, our battle cry. I find it interesting that the word they use for "taking back" what the enemy has stolen is "arracher", a word I learned just the other day because I knew a child who had a tooth pulled. That's right - the word for pulling out a tooth is also "arracher." I like that. We are yanking back what the enemy has stolen from us. 

The enemy takes away health, but we help restore it through our medical interventions. 

He tries to take away life but we take it back by providing milk for suffering newborn babies. 

He takes away purpose and says a child's life isn't worth saving or that a persons life isn't worth living, but we say God has big plans for each one's future.

He takes away a student's chance at an education when a parent dies, but we help give them that chance back through our young scholars program. 

He takes away joy from children who have hard lives for such young ages, but we bring joy back with our weekly kids' club.

He tries to steal faith, but we steal it right back through the messages of the church and through training leaders in order to strengthen the churches. 

John 10:10 says, "The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but I have come that the may have life and have it to the full."

We all get to be in the ministry of bringing full and abundant life throug Jesus Christ. That thief and destroyer, Satan, is conquered by Jesus and under our feet. "This song touches me a lot," said one of our teammates. 

Me, too. It touches me, too. 


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