Hold Him and Love

“Religion that is pure and faultless is this: to care for widows and orphans in their distress, and to keep oneself from being stained by the world.” James 1:27

Several months ago in the fall semester, I did a study on the book of James with some women from my church.  James encourages readers to hear God’s Word and obey it. He calls readers to demonstrate faith with purposeful action. Since James is a book of action, our group leader started the very first session with a discussion question: “If you could do anything in the world and be guaranteed success, what would you do?”

Without thinking too much (because I was second in line), I answered, “I would start a medical clinic in a place with no health care.”

Less than a month later, I met the Matheny family at the Global Missions Experience, and I found out about the work in Burkina Faso. “We are hoping to start a medical clinic and an orphanage,” they explained.

What I had almost thoughtlessly thrown out as an answer to a dangerous question was becoming a real possibility – a dream coming true. A team with no health care workers wants to start a medical clinic in combination with orphan care. James calls us to put our faith into action and do big things for God, and that’s not just something we read. It’s real life.

As I was asking God for confirmation about whether I should go to Burkina, He continued speaking to me through the book of James. “Religion that pure and faultless is this: to care for widows and orphans in their distress.”

I have never been a part of orphan care like James talks about, until now.

I have spent the last twenty-four hours adjusting to life and heat in Yako, Burkina Faso. In my free time, I walk over to the building next door and hang out with the babies. I don’t speak their language, but I know the language of love and compassion. I don’t know how they normally play, but I know how to tickle and bring laughter. I don’t know their daily schedule, but I do know how to help feed and change diapers.  To be honest, I don’t feel like I know much at all about these kids, their stories, or their lives. I can’t even tell them apart or remember their names most of the time. I don’t know what their future will hold or how much pain lies on the road ahead. And when I pick one up who is crying and he snuggles into my neck and falls asleep, my heart breaks because I don’t know what to do for him.

Love, Jesus whispers. Just hold him and love.

Because that’s what Jesus does for me.  

When my heart is breaking and my soul cries out, I just want Him to hold me and nothing more. I just want Him to be my daddy and He says, “I AM”. And when He holds me safe, I know that everything is going to be okay.

I sang “Jesus Loves Me” as I rocked and cradled this little child of God, and I prayed that he will come to know and rest in the cradling arms of Jesus as he continues to grow.

Now, it is already time to start packing for Kimini. We leave early tomorrow morning for the adventure of a lifetime into the bush of southwest Burkina Faso. We are going to an unreached people group called the Jula where there is no active evangelism and no church. What ever was of Christianity has since died out.  But according to Ruth, there is an open door for the gospel. She is ready to move to Kimini, live there, and start a medical outreach and a church. Did I mention that there is no health care there? None. It sounds a little familiar…like a dream I once vocalized.

What is in store for us in these next seven days in Kimini is probably beyond my wildest imagination.  So please pray for courage and boldness for Ruth, Emily, and I.  Pray fervently for opportunities to introduce people to Jesus, whether in word or in deed.

Pray for wisdom for me as a nurse, and the ability to see and meet both physical and spiritual needs with the knowledge and resources that God has given me. “Are you ready to provide treatment?” Ruth asked me right after talking about starting IVs and administering quinine for malaria. “Yes, I am,” I answered. People are often most hungry spiritually when they are most vulnerable physically. That means that God uses the ministry of healing to show people that He is the One and Only true God. Please pray that I may be a part of that this week if that’s what God has in mind.

And lastly, please pray for us to love extravagantly. As Jesus loves us, so let us love one another. When we don’t know what else to do, let us hold people and love them like Jesus does.


  1. Praising the Lord!!! There is no limit to His love. :) I am praying for y'all. May He live in you and through you and touch hearts through His love. AHhh so exciting to hear what's going on over there :) Blessings!


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